Friday, November 27, 2009

well ive been gone for a while

and no one has said much kinda sad.are you there? is anyone even reading??hello??hmm this worries me.all well so um me and my boyfreind broke up a few weeks was for the best.ive still been kinda hung on my bff.its really sad.but now i have a new bf(wow allready?...yes)he asked my out and i couldnt turn him down.its been going really well.i hope i dont screw this one up.ive been wondering how is it people at my age (16) can say "i love you" and believe they really mean it?idk it bugs me seeing these couples saying i love you all the time(yes i did the same thing)it still bugs me though.ive got a question for anyone do you know when to give up?when to stop striving for someone you want so bad? is it up to them or is it even a choice? think on it respond e-mail idc


Anonymous said...

i'll read your blog if you read mine ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, yeah when were this young its hard to know what is real and what isnt. Anyways, im not sure if you still blog its been a few months, but ill follow you if you post again. Read mine if you'd like. Goodluck.