Saturday, November 14, 2009

lets review number 0

after noah i was kinda lonely but i was very "in love" with number 0.i was very into this girly shes amazingly sweet.She and i kinda almost dated it was rather pathetic.we flirted and we kept planning to spend time together but things kept happening to ruin it.then she would tell me to fuck off then we would be ok again yeah then between later realtionshits she came back...again wanted to be with my soooo bad blah blah blah and of course i was more then happy to be there for her.then i found out she was kissing a bunch of people at a party she had her freaind threaten me and shetold me to fuck off.we didnt talk for about a month then she randomly sent my e text well i was not happy to hear from her(ok i was but im just that lame..i was in love give me a break) we eventually figure stuff out and we got over were freinds and its really great.she goes to a different school so when i need advice shes perfect(cause she aint there lol)she was my first love and my first kiss with a of the best ive ever had btw.

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